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  4 отзыва
2024 год
Дата выроботки:
2024 год
1 кг

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5 кг и более - 456₽
15 кг и более - 432₽
*Для некоторых товаров доставка в розницу временно не осуществляется, возможна только мелким оптом и оптом. Пожалуйста уточняйте у менеджера!
от 5,4 до 26,8%
от 13 до 27%.
от 46,1 до 92,9%
от 0,1 до 54%
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Сахали́н — остров у восточного побережья Азии. Входит в состав Сахалинской области. Крупнейший остров России. Омывается Охотским и Японским морями. От материковой Азии отделён Татарским проливом (в самой ... Подробнее...

Морски́е о́куни ( Sebastes) — род морских лучепёрых рыб из семейства скорпеновых (Scorpaenidae). По внешнему виду несколько напоминают речного окуня, но настолько отличаются от него по многим особенностям внешнего и внутреннего строения, что их относят не только к другому семейству, но и к другому отряду рыб. Острые лучи плавников снабжены ядовитыми железами, укол которыми вызывает болезненное местное воспаление.

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Содержание основных веществ

от 5,4 до 26,8%
от 13 до 27%.
от 46,1 до 92,9%
от 0,1 до 54%
от 0,1 до 3%.
Пищевая ценность
от 9 до 900 ккал

Габариты и вес

1 кг
Отзывов: 4
Пожалуйста авторизируйтесь или создайте учетную запись перед тем как написать отзыв
The most common type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. It is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar (glucose). With type 2 diabetes, the body either resists the effects of insulin — a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar into your cells — or doesn't produce enough insulin to maintain a normal glucose level. It typically develops in middle-aged and older people.
The complete list of the Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom from the start of the 21st century to 2021 is as follows:

1. Tony Blair (Labour Party) - May 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007
2. Gordon Brown (Labour Party) - June 27, 2007 to May 11, 2010
3. David Cameron (Conservative Party) - May 11, 2010 to July 13, 2016
4. Theresa May (Conservative Party) - July 13, 2016 to July 24, 2019
5. Boris Johnson (Conservative Party) - July 24, 2019 to present (as of 2021)
Продукт питания: органический кокосовый сахар

Отзыв: Органический кокосовый сахар - это один из тех продуктов, который полностью меняет ваше представление о здоровом питании. С начала использования этого сахара, я заметила, что он не только придает блюдам приятный карамельный вкус, но и значительно повышает их питательные свойства. Я использую его вместо обычного сахара в кофе, выпечке, и даже в смузи. Он обладает более низким гликемическим индексом, что делает его идеальным продуктом для тех, кто старается контролировать уровень сахара в крови. Рекомендую его всем, кто хочет добавить в свою диету здоровый и вкусный продукт.


Овсяные блинчики с кокосовым сахаром

- 1 стакан овсянки
- 1 стакан молока (можно заменить на воду или растительное молоко)
- 1 яйцо
- 2 столовые ложки органического кокосового сахара
- Полчайной ложки соли
- Масло для смазывания сковороды

1. Все ингредиенты смешиваем в блендере до однородной массы.
2. Разогреть сковороду, смазать ее маслом.
3. Выливаем небольшое количество теста, равномерно распределяем его по сковороде.
4. Жарим блинчики с каждой стороны до золотистого цвета.
5. Подаем горячими, посыпав сверху дополнительным кокосовым сахаром и любимыми фруктами.

Приятного аппетита!
Ответ администрации:
A high-risk pregnancy is one that threatens the health or life of the mother or her fetus. This often requires specialized care from specially trained providers. Some pregnancies become high risk as they progress, while others are considered high risk before the woman becomes pregnant due to health conditions.

Factors that might contribute to a high-risk pregnancy include:
1. Advanced maternal age: Pregnant women who are younger than 17 or older than 35 are at higher risk.
2. Lifestyle choices: Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and using illegal drugs can increase the risk of a high-risk pregnancy.
3. Medical history: A history of chronic conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes, or complications from previous pregnancies can increase pregnancy risks.
4. Multiple pregnancy: Pregnancy involving more than one fetus increases the risk of early labor and low birth weights.
5. Overweight and obesity: These conditions increase the risk of various complications, including gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and the need for a C-section.
6. Complications during pregnancy: Problems that develop during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or a significant growth delay, can turn a once-low-risk pregnancy into a high-risk pregnancy.

It's important to note that being classified as a high-risk pregnancy doesn't guarantee complications. It just means that extra care is needed to ensure the best outcome for mother and baby. Regular prenatal care is crucial in all pregnancies, but especially in high-risk pregnancies to monitor for any potential problems or complications.
A virtual reality headset, also known as a VR headset, is a head-mounted device that provides virtual reality for the wearer. Virtual reality (VR) headsets are widely used with video games but they are also used in other applications, including simulators and trainers. They comprise a stereoscopic head-mounted display (providing separate images for each eye), stereo sound, and head motion tracking sensors. Some VR headsets also have eye tracking sensors and gaming controllers.
There are several ways to extract images from PDF files:

1. Adobe Acrobat:
- Open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat.
- Click on "Tools" > "Export PDF".
- Click on "Image" > "JPEG" or "PNG".
- Choose where you want to save it, and click "Export".

2. Online Tools:
- Search for "PDF to image online converter" on your browser.
- Upload your PDF file.
- Choose the output format (JPEG, PNG, etc.).
- Click on "Convert" or "Start" to start the process.
- Download the output file when the conversion is done.

3. Screenshot:
- Open the PDF file.
- Zoom in to the image you want to extract.
- Take a screenshot.

4. Using Software:
- There are several software solutions available that can extract images from PDFs. These include PDF Image Extractor, Some PDF Images Extract, and PDFill FREE PDF Tools. Each of these tools works slightly differently, but all will allow you to extract images.

5. Using Python:
- You can use libraries like PyPDF2 and PDF2Image in Python to extract images from PDF.

Remember to respect copyright and privacy laws when extracting images from PDFs.
Продукт питания: Цельнозерновой хлеб

Отзыв: Я действительно наслаждаюсь этим цельнозерновым хлебом. Он имеет приятное хрустящее внешнее покрытие, а внутри очень мягкий и влажный. Вкус хлеба натуральный и насыщенный, что придает ему уникальную нотку. Я использую его для приготовления различных бутербродов и тостов. Но самое главное, что он очень полезен для здоровья, так как содержит много пищевых волокон и других полезных веществ. Очень рекомендую!

Рецепт: Чесночный тост с цельнозерновым хлебом

- 4 ломтика цельнозернового хлеба
- 2 зубчика чеснока
- Оливковое масло
- Соль по вкусу
- Петрушка для украшения

1. Подогрейте гриль в духовке на среднем уровне.
2. Натрите каждый ломтик хлеба зубчиком чеснока, а затем слегка сбрызните оливковым маслом.
3. Поместите ломтики хлеба на противень и поставьте в духовку. Грильте 1-2 минуты с каждой стороны, или до золотистого цвета.
4. Посолите по вкусу и украсьте петрушкой перед подачей на стол.
5. Прекрасно подходит в качестве закуски или сопровождения для любого блюда. Наслаждайтесь!
Ответ администрации:
There are several ways to convert PDF to Word on Windows:

1. **Use Adobe Acrobat DC Pro:** If you have Adobe Acrobat DC Pro, open the PDF file, click "File", then "Export To", select "Microsoft Word", then "Word Document". Finally, click "Export". If your PDF contains scanned text, Acrobat will automatically run text recognition.

2. **Use Microsoft Word:** Open Microsoft Word, click "File", then "Open", navigate to the PDF file and click "Open". Word will convert the PDF to editable Word document. Some formatting might not transfer perfectly.

3. **Use Online Tools:** There are several online tools like smallpdf.com, ilovepdf.com, etc., where you can upload your PDF files, and they will convert them to Word documents. Please note, you should avoid using them for sensitive documents.

4. **Use Third-Party Software:** Several tools like Nitro Pro, Wondershare PDFelement, etc. allow you to convert PDF to Word. However, these are usually paid software.

Remember, the success of the conversion will depend on how complex the formatting in the PDF is. Some elements like images, tables, or special fonts might not convert perfectly.
There are a few different theories as to why dinosaurs went extinct. The most widely accepted theory is that a massive asteroid or comet hit the Earth about 65 million years ago, causing a catastrophic change in climate which the dinosaurs could not survive. This event is known as the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) extinction event.

There is also evidence to suggest that massive volcanic eruptions may have been a contributing factor. These eruptions would have released huge amounts of dust and gases into the atmosphere, blocking out sunlight and causing a dramatic drop in temperature.

Another theory is that changes in sea levels and climate could have led to a loss of suitable habitats for dinosaurs. Some scientists also believe that the rise of mammals may have contributed to the dinosaurs' extinction by out-competing them for resources.

However, it is likely that a combination of several factors led to the extinction of the dinosaurs.
The benefits of using a smart home security system are numerous.

1. Enhanced Security: Smart home security systems offer features like motion detectors, security cameras, and door/window sensors that can help detect any unusual activities in and around your home, providing improved security.

2. Remote Monitoring: With a smart home security system, you can monitor your home remotely from your smartphone or other devices. This means you can check in on your home, no matter where you are.

3. Instant Alerts: If the system detects any suspicious activity, it can send instant alerts to your phone, allowing you to take quick action.

4. Energy Efficiency: Many smart home security systems come with smart thermostats or lighting controls that can help you save energy by ensuring lights/heat are only on when needed.

5. Access Control: Smart locks and garage door openers can allow you to control who has access to your home, adding an extra layer of security.

6. Insurance Benefits: Some insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners who have a security system in place, potentially saving you money on your homeowner's insurance.

7. Peace of Mind: Perhaps the biggest benefit of all is the peace of mind that comes from knowing your home is being monitored and protected 24/7.

8. Automation: Along with security, many systems offer home automation features like controlling lights, thermostats, and locks remotely.

9. Emergency Support: Some advanced systems also provide emergency support such as fire, gas leak, or flood warnings.

10. Video Footage: In case of a break-in or theft, having video evidence can be beneficial in identifying the culprits.
Продукт питания: Органический карри порошок

Отзыв клиента:

Я давно искал идеальный органический карри порошок и, наконец, нашел его в виде этого продукта. Он имеет идеальное сочетание остроты и аромата, которое действительно привносит настоящий вкус Индии в мои блюда. Мне нравится, что он органический и не содержит каких-либо искусственных добавок или консервантов. Упаковка действительно удобная, и порошок не высыпается при использовании. Я советую всем попробовать этот продукт - он станет прекрасным дополнением к вашей кухне!

Рецепт приготовления:

Овощное Карри

- 2 столовые ложки органического карри порошка
- 2 моркови
- 2 картофелина
- 1 брокколи
- 1 луковица
- 1 зубчик чеснока
- 1 столовая ложка растительного масла
- 2 стакана воды
- Соль по вкусу


1. Нарежьте морковь, картофель и брокколи на небольшие кусочки. Лук и чеснок мелко нарежьте.

2. На сковороде разогрейте растительное масло, добавьте лук и чеснок и обжарьте до золотистого цвета.

3. Добавьте в сковороду карри порошок, перемешайте и готовьте еще 1-2 минуты.

4. Добавьте оставшиеся овощи, перемешайте, чтобы они были покрыты карри.

5. Добавьте воду, соль и варите на медленном огне в течение 20-30 минут, пока овощи не станут мягкими.

6. Подавайте горячим со свежим хлебом или рисом. Наслаждайтесь вкусом!
Ответ администрации:
There are several ways to improve your memory:

1. Regular exercise: Physical exercise can enhance cognitive abilities and protect the brain from degeneration.

2. Adequate sleep: The brain needs time to consolidate memories, which happens during sleep.

3. Healthy diet: Certain foods can boost brain health, like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and certain vitamins like B6, B12, and folic acid.

4. Mental exercises: Activities like puzzles, reading, writing, and playing musical instruments can keep the brain active and improve memory.

5. Regular social interactions: Engaging with others stimulates our brains, which can help to improve memory.

6. Mindfulness: Paying attention to the present moment can enhance memory and cognitive abilities.

7. Reducing stress: Chronic stress can impair memory. Activities like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can help to reduce stress levels.

8. Avoiding alcohol and drugs: Excessive alcohol and drug use can damage the brain and can lead to memory loss.

9. Learning a new skill: Learning a new language, a new instrument, or any new skill stimulates the brain and can enhance memory.

10. Regular check-ups: Certain medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, depression, and thyroid problems can affect memory. Regular health check-ups can help to detect these conditions early.
Classical conditioning is a type of learning process in which two stimuli are linked together to produce a new learned response in a person or animal. This process was first studied in detail by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, through his experiments with dogs in the early 20th century.

In classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus (something that does not naturally trigger a response) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (something that naturally triggers a response). After repeated pairings, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus and starts to elicit the same response that the unconditioned stimulus does. This response is called a conditioned response.

For example, in Pavlov's experiment, the sound of a bell (neutral stimulus) was paired with the presentation of food (unconditioned stimulus) to dogs. After several pairings, the dogs began to salivate (conditioned response) at the sound of the bell (conditioned stimulus), even when no food was presented.

The key concepts in classical conditioning include the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response.

The unconditioned stimulus is a stimulus that naturally triggers a response. The unconditioned response is the naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus. The conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus, eventually triggers a conditioned response. And, the conditioned response is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus, now conditioned stimulus.

Overall, classical conditioning is a fundamental process that helps organisms adapt to their environments by learning to associate different stimuli. It plays a crucial role in many aspects of human behavior, including emotional responses, phobias, and even aspects of memory and learning.
To create a Google account, follow the step-by-step instructions below:

1. Visit the Google account creation page by typing "create a Google account" in your web browser and clicking on the official Google account creation link.

2. Click on the "Create account" button.

3. You'll be prompted to fill out a form with your first and last name. Type in your desired email address in the "Username" box. It should be something unique that isn't already being used by another Google user.

4. Create a password for your account. Make sure it is secure and something you will remember.

5. You will be asked to confirm your password by typing it again in the next field.

6. Enter your phone number. This is an optional but recommended step for account recovery and security purposes.

7. Type in your birthday and gender.

8. You may also be asked to enter a secondary email address. This is optional but can be helpful if you forget your password or need to recover your account.

9. Read and accept the terms of service and privacy policy.

10. Click on the "Next step" button.

11. Google may ask you to verify your account via a text message or phone call. If so, enter the verification code that you receive.

12. Once you've completed all these steps, you'll be taken to your new Google account dashboard. From here, you can access all Google services, like Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, and more.
Продукт: Органическая кукурузная мука

Отзыв: Я недавно купил органическую кукурузную мука, и она превзошла все мои ожидания. Эта мука имеет яркий, свежий вкус кукурузы, который придает уникальный аромат и вкус моим блюдам. Я также оценил то, что она органическая и не содержит ГМО. Упаковка проста в использовании, и мука хорошо сохраняется. В целом, это отличный продукт, который я определенно рекомендую.

Рецепт: Кукурузные хлебцы

- 1 чашка органической кукурузной муки
- 1/2 чашки муки для всех целей
- 1 чайная ложка соли
- 1 чайная ложка сахара
- 1 чайная ложка разрыхлителя
- 1 яйцо
- 1 чашка молока

1. В большой миске смешайте органическую кукурузную муку, муку, соль, сахар и разрыхлитель.
2. В отдельной миске взбейте яйцо и молоко вместе.
3. Добавьте смесь яйца и молока в сухие ингредиенты и хорошо перемешайте, пока тесто не станет гладким.
4. Нагрейте сковороду на среднем огне и немного смажьте маслом.
5. Насыпьте 1/4 чашки теста на сковороду и готовьте, пока появятся пузырьки. Переверните и готовьте с другой стороны до золотистого цвета.
6. Повторите с оставшимся тестом.
7. Подавайте горячими с маслом и медом. Наслаждайтесь!
Ответ администрации:
The interior design industry is a multi-faceted sector of the economy that involves conceptualizing, planning, and executing the aesthetic and functional designs of indoor spaces. This industry encompasses a wide range of services, including space planning, designing, decorating, and renovating residential, commercial, and institutional interiors.

Interior design professionals work with clients to create spaces that are both functional and visually appealing. They consider factors such as color schemes, furniture placement, lighting, floor plans, and decor to create designs that reflect the client's taste and lifestyle.

The scope of the interior design industry also includes sectors such as home staging, where designers prepare homes for sale by making them more appealing to potential buyers. It also includes the creation of custom furniture, fixtures, and cabinetry to fit specific spaces.

The industry often collaborates with other professions such as architects, contractors, and craftsmen to bring a design concept to life. It also relies heavily on suppliers of materials like fabrics, paint, flooring, and lighting fixtures.

With increasing demand for sustainable and wellness-centered designs, the industry is also integrating principles of environmental psychology, ergonomics, and sustainable design.

The interior design industry's growth is driven by factors like urbanization, changing consumer trends, and an increased emphasis on the importance of well-designed spaces for wellbeing. As a result, this industry is expected to continue expanding in the coming years.
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